Below is very basic macro to define filter on atable which has two columns. Name(Comuln A) and Dept(Column B). Function will filter all employees with dept = "Technology"
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
'Step 1: Remove all filters from the sheet by setting AutoFilterMode property to false.
.AutoFilterMode = False
'Step 2: Optional Step. Select the table on which you want to apply filter.
R = .Range("A100").End(xlUp).Row
.Range("A1:D" & R).Select
'Step 3: Select the Headers
With .Range("A1:D1")
'Step 4: Define filter with .Autofilter
.AutoFilter field:=2, Criteria1:="Technology"
End With
End With
Please note in step 4,
field : sequence of column in table.
criteria1: defined which value you want to filter. There can be multiple criterias.
Further example:
Lets say Column C in table contains employee grade and you want to get employees with grades >2 and <5:
.AutoFilter field:=3, Criteria1:=">2", Criteria2:="<5"
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
'Step 1: Remove all filters from the sheet by setting AutoFilterMode property to false.
.AutoFilterMode = False
'Step 2: Optional Step. Select the table on which you want to apply filter.
R = .Range("A100").End(xlUp).Row
.Range("A1:D" & R).Select
'Step 3: Select the Headers
With .Range("A1:D1")
'Step 4: Define filter with .Autofilter
.AutoFilter field:=2, Criteria1:="Technology"
End With
End With
field : sequence of column in table.
criteria1: defined which value you want to filter. There can be multiple criterias.
Further example:
Lets say Column C in table contains employee grade and you want to get employees with grades >2 and <5:
.AutoFilter field:=3, Criteria1:=">2", Criteria2:="<5"
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